Death By Captcha

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So far Death By Captcha has created 22 blog entries.

Solving reCaptcha v2 and submitting via POST

As you may know our API for reCaptcha v2 requires a URL, a Sitekey and optionally a proxy, we will guide you on how to perform the whole captcha solving process and then show you how to use the token produced in a POST request to submit the form. We will start our test

By |2022-09-27T13:34:05+00:00November 12th, 2019|Categories: Tutorials & Guides|Comments Off on Solving reCaptcha v2 and submitting via POST

What’s a priority package?

  It's a special CAPTCHA package that allows your CAPTCHA submissions (now also accepting recaptcha v2!) to be solved first and faster than normal Captcha packages. You would typically acquire a Priority Package if your operation can't afford to undergo the occasional high service load and/or if you need really fast CAPTCHA solving at certain

By |2021-11-16T16:44:01+00:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized, Usage best practices|Comments Off on What’s a priority package?

Solving reCaptcha v2 via API (example)

  If you are interested in solving reCaptcha v2, our API requires a URL, a Sitekey and optionally a proxy, we will guide you on how to perform the whole captcha solving process from the very beginning. This is the initial page, the URL which contains the reCatcha you want to solve. You already have

By |2019-08-06T12:07:26+00:00July 25th, 2019|Categories: Tutorials & Guides|Comments Off on Solving reCaptcha v2 via API (example)

Testing API with API Development Environment

If you are one of those users who likes to make sure the API works like a charm prior to putting the hours into coding and manual testing then you could find this tutorial helpful. You can make sure the API works perfectly for the type of captcha you want to solve through Death By

By |2019-06-11T12:06:42+00:00April 26th, 2019|Categories: Tutorials & Guides|Comments Off on Testing API with API Development Environment

What We Do

What We Do Death By Captcha is a captcha solving service that supports most of the captchas you can find online. You can either use our service through a third party company or by implementing our API, pass us your CAPTCHAs and we’ll return the text with the solution. Which is pretty easy. You

By |2024-12-05T14:36:49+00:00April 24th, 2019|Categories: Home|Comments Off on What We Do


Apr-2024: RESOLVED - The website (the frontend - the API has remained and remains fully functional ) has been sporadically unavailable since approx. April 25th, due to network issues with some of our server provider(s). While we resolve this, to access the service and buy packages, you can access If your package is

By |2024-12-05T14:47:56+00:00October 11th, 2015|Categories: Latest service Updates|Comments Off on UPDATES

Getting started with Death By Captcha

  We're very pleased to know that you've thought about our service to solve your CAPTCHA needs. Your vote of confidence is greatly appreciated. The main activity in Death By Captcha is being a CAPTCHA solving solution, which you can easily integrate through our documented API’s ( to your bots / software. If you're still

By |2022-09-27T13:27:37+00:00October 11th, 2015|Categories: Usage best practices|Comments Off on Getting started with Death By Captcha


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